Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Are men facing extinction?

Hairan.Mana pi semua laki yang macho2?

I feel like there are more gays around compared to LELAKI TULEN.Is doomsday coming really soon?wallahuallam.Wonder what its like in 10 years time.When 70% of men turn into gays.Have you ever thought of that?I certainly have,by looking roughly on people these days.Its conspicuous.Its undeniable and so unbelievable of how big the number is.You'll definitely bump into a gay guy everywhere you go.Malls,mamak stalls,gyms u name it.They are everywhere!This is bothering me.I go to malls to get some eye candy aka cuci mata.And its so dissapointing to come home without a hot guy in mind to day dream of!haih,begitu kecewa.isk isk isk.

Manalah lelaki Melayu yang hot hot belaka.Yang bersuara megah which can melt a girls heart.Yang berbadan 'tough' (tetapi bukanlah macam arnold susahnaeja) dan bukan 'kempeng'.Yang bermata tidak terlalu besar dan tidaklah terlalu kecil(hahah).Gone,they're all gone.What is left are all the 'jambus' and the 'aws'.Lelaki yang tulen pon tidaklah setulen tulennya.Semuanya GEDIK.They think adorable is cute?Ahh,it maybe cute but pfft come on,I don't wanna marry an 'adorable' guy.I want 'macho'!macho man!For gods sake,TOUGHEN UP please guys.Too adorable can be annoying.Sure,!!you'll get all the attention u want badly from girls 'girls keliling pinggang',but them girls are not gonna fall for you.Don't you get it?They are going to be your 'bff',your bestfriends until one day you'll wake up on your little bed when you're 30 and realize that you don't have a real girlfriend and are still living with your parents.Hah,yes.Berfikirlah wahai lelaki2 sekalian.Jangan sampai tak kawin dan janganlah menyusahkan ibu bapa sahaja.And this is one of the factors of why men turn into gays.Plus,i didn't know that some guys can be so concious of what they do,wear or even talk.isk isk sungguh tak macho.Yes,get my defination of macho?good.

Second factor.Are you ready?This came from one of my guy friends from Indonesia.Bdw,hes not gay,its just his opinion.ahahahh;p.According to him,girls give guys too much pressure with their high demand on certain things.With that,they couldnt take it and they get too stressful,give up and turn into gays.Seriously,girls CaN be bitchy and so I cant disagree.But,why are you guys such sissies?Again,TOUGHEN UP please.Take everything like a man.Be a fuckin MAN.!

Its sad,really really sad.To all the 'pure' men out there,i suggest you people to be a little preachy and save your species!


leeliankong said...

Yang bermata tidak terlalu besar dan tidaklah terlalu kecil(hahah)

Ataupun mata yang tidak boleh bukak langsung ;P

leeliankong said...

Sedih but truenya post ini!