Wednesday, October 3, 2007

New product.Go get it tiger!grrr;p

"herba produk.mencegah cancer prostat.Meningkatkan daya seksual.suami hebat isteri gembira;rumah tangga 03-42946436.CIK GEE"

BAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!!!i got this sms earlier on.what the ferck man.suami hebat isteri gembira??meningkatkan daya sexual?HAHAHAHAH! Is it really necessary to say all this?Man you gotta be kidding me.Im just wondering,is this more for the prevention of prostate cancer or more for the sexual arousement thing? think its more for the sexual arousement thing.It should be written like this then:

"herba produk yang pasti boleh meningkatkan daya seksual anda para lelaki.Suami hebat isteri pasti gembira.Secara tidak langsung,rumah tangga juga akan bahagia.Tambahan pula,herba produk ini boleh mencegah kanser prostat."

hah hahah.That should be it.
And i thought men have OVER 'daya seksual' already.They dont need this,what they need is practice.Muahahahah!

This really made my day.!Thank you,you stranger.
Man have i been gettin weird sms lately.

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