Again mcpa is the place for gigs.Yesterday had the 'its a gig dude' gig there and as usual the turn out was awesome.Its good to see people supporting our local acts,being there moshing,jumping, and headbanging to locals' very improved and rising bands.Among who performed were bunkface(fuck,i missed their show!),have a nice death,our very own kajang band hijau as the opening act,black territory,couple and few more.It was a disapointment for hujan fans though as they did not turn up at their show for some crucial reasons I supposed.Anyways,it was great.I also finally had the chance to meet up with my cousin belle whom i havent seen for months!I missed her so.Also,before the gig i had this little celebration with my boyfriend,just the two of us at kenny rogers in times square.It was to celebrate mine and his belated bday as well as our belated anniversary.As we arrived at mcpa we hanged and hanged before we got into the gig.I tried seeling my s.k.i.p art t-shirt but no one bought it.I was practically promoting to the ladies there(even in the ladies' room),gave them a short brief on what i do.Even though they didnt buy it,it was great to see them showing some interest in my shirt and were kind enough to save my myspace link in their handphones.Of course not all showed interest.There were also a few who quickily said 'no thank you'.Ah well,it was worth it and i don't mind people saying no.Thats just how it is.We get a yes and a no,so its okay.=)I also did a custom t-shirt my boyfriend asked loooooonnng time ago.I finally got it done and gave it to him at the gig.Before his show started,he changed to that shirt and so it means,he freaking wore that shirt during his show!=))It made me happy to see him wear that shirt which was actually something i did spontaneously without designing it first.Well,i had something in my head.Thank god it tured out ok but a little messy. I was also happy that i got the chance to be on stage and take pictures of his band playing.It was my first try taking photos of performances at gigs.Out of the whole bunch of pics i took,only few which i was satisfied with.heres some: Okay,they're not that good but you know,first try.maybe my second would improve.= )Couple was the last band to perform if im not mistaken.I went back straight away after they performed as it was already 10 pm.Plus,I pictured angry faces of my parents at home waiting for me.I was supposed to go home at 5 pm.Yeahhh.5 hours late!yikes! heres them if uve never heard of em:
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