Well, well, my birthday is in two days time. Just wanna let the WHOLE WORLD knows that im turning 18 in 2 d a y s t i m e
!.sweet sweet 18.Oh,and you know what,i would REALLY appreciate it if you people would buy any OR all of these for my birthday:i know u nice people just cant wait to get me presents but heck, just dnt know what to get me rite? kick off the sighs,i made it easier by doing you this list.
1. It'll be very nice if you people would buy me A PAINTING from the first shop on the left as you enter annexe central market.
2. If thats gnna make a big whole in your wallet, as the canvas + the oil paint + the intelligent talent of the artist would sum up to big amount of cash, getting me ACRYLIC PAINTS are good enough.
3. Though if you really love me and dont mind spending,you can always get me a FILE for my portfolio which I saw at kinokuniya (at the stationary section, just walk straight to the back).It costs RM118.not too bad ey?
4. No worries if you dont love me THAT much (haha;p), buy me CANVAS.big or small doesnt matter. BIgger are always better. you know that rite? i know im right.
5. BRUSHEs or black FABRIC PENs will be f i n e..............
6. OH oh!how bout a new BLACK EYELINER.the one that doesnt smear easily.yg mahal tu.(hahahah;p).it'll be great for my sepet eyes. and i always get it tattooed so i promise you it wont be a waste. at all. at all.
7. If you like NOVELs,i like em too.but make sure its not the typical teen novel ok? coz im not one hahah.i mean the 'late teen' novels are fine. Adult fiction.you know what i mean.*gelak nakal (cheeky laugh).
8. You know what,i really r e a l l y need a new chair for my study section in my room. The MODERN STYLE STOOL which is best if the height can be adjusted. And and,i wud like bright colours for it. Green, red, or white. You know, the 'ikea' colours. oh ya,get it from ikea, hows that?
9. I would also really love to use some of BODYSHOP'S BODY LOTION.yea,i'd really love that.make sure its sweet smelling,not too mile not too strong. Find the smell that says, "im 18,im new,clean,legal and fresh.come to me,im here ooh baby ooh baby." haha. Thats too much. How bout just this, " im 18,im new,clean,legal and fresh" ok fullstop. Find me that.
10. last but not least...bring KURT COBAIN to life?i'd love a one night stand with him.
Okay,your pick guys. But i know you people are a bunch of cheapskates. And i know im not AT ALL mean. just throw me a pool party.haha kidding,just make sure you wish me ON my birthday.midnite will be best.;p take care 'kids'. wehehe